
Out of the Archive - 世界博物馆系列

作者: 时间:2018-05-01 12:45:24 点击:
Out of the Archive | 世界博物馆系列 1月,“世界博物馆系列”将显现1个聚集世界博物馆收藏级艺术家作品的空间。莫迪里阿尼,达利,沃霍尔,贝内,梵高,席勒,这些艺术家的名字对世界各地的艺术爱好者都耳熟能详,却鲜少在其本国之外展出。此工厂工作服穿戴要求次展览将提供绝佳机会亲身感受大师的艺术魅力。展出作品将包括达利的1系列青铜雕塑作品,莫迪里阿尼的高品质版画系列,梵高博物馆独家出品的博物馆经典系列等。↓↓↓Please scroll down for English version ↓↓↓此次展览试图将逾越时空的艺术家们联结起来,探访这些影响着世界艺术史发展进程的艺术家们的共性。纵使成擅长不同环境,但是其中多位艺术家都有着戏剧性的人生经


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| 飞翔的卡拉 铜、大理石底座 |



|活动的时间之2 铜 1979 |


| 爱的迸发-独角兽 铜 1977 |


| Ritratto di Mario Buggrlli 马里奥肖像 33x24cm 铅笔 1907 |


| Testa femminile 女性头部速写 铅笔、中国墨水、油彩 1914⑴5 |


| Testa di cariatide 女头像石柱肖像 钢笔1910⑴1 |


| Autoritratto 自画像 版画 1973 |


| La moglie dell’artista 艺术家的妻子版画 1973 |


| Van Gogh Bedroom in Arles Life Size Replica on Canvas |

和同时期的法国艺术家Raymond Peynet 和 Ramon Dilley 的版画作品:

|Raymond Peynet天空酒店 传统石版画 |

法国漫画及插画大师Raymond Peynet的作品曾刊载于著名巴黎报刊如Le Rire, Rire à deux, Paris magazine, The Boulevardier等,他的作品风格深入影响了60年代包括Alain Grée在内的1批插画艺术家。

| RamonDilley多维尔 传统石版画 |

Ramon Dilley的作品曾被摩纳哥王室成员Prince Rainier of Monaco,新加坡王室成员Princess Ana of Singapore和前法国总统(1974⑴981)Valery Giscard d'Estaing等收藏。


For our upcoming exhibition Je Fine Art Space presents The Museum Collection, a selection of works from the world’s top collections. Modligliani,Dali, Warhol, Peynet, Van Gogh, & Shiele. The legacy of t洛阳工作服定制
hese world-renowned artists often reaches the corners of the globe but it is rare that the works themselves reach beyond the limits of their countries of origin.Through collaboration with organisations such as the Van Gogh Museum & the Warhol Foundation, Je Fine Art Space strives to bring some of the world’s best-known artists to Shanghai. Offering a unique experience for many to see the masters’ works first hand. Je will exhibit a collection of some of Dali’s most famous bronze Sculptures, a series of high quality lithographs of Modigliani as well as high quality canvas prints certified b电镀工工作服要求
y the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

Giving Shanghai an opportunity to witness some of the world’s most famous works is part of Je Fine Art Space’s ongoing commitment to introduce the Chinese audience to the world of art. Scattered across time these artists are consolidated in Shanghai. Bringing together a unique cross-section of art history where not only the artwork, but the artist’s personality, endures.Living fairly dangerously each artist showed a penchant for a somewhat hedonistic lifestyle. Despite living in separate eras each artist was an innovator oftheir time & contributed significantly to art history. Without the impressionist’s emphasis of the everyday Van Gogh would not go on to paint his bedroom and without Van Gogh’s intense complimentary colours, pop art may nothave emerged & with it, Andy Warhol. By combining these greats in the heartof Shanghai we aim to emphasise the similarity, not differences of these historic artists.

Suspended from the academy for inciting riots and eventually being expelled for claimingno professor was adequate to examine his artwork. Salvador Dali was quite acharacter. Recognising his talent from a young age, Dali’s parents sent him toart school in Madrid at age 12 and at age 15 he held his first public exhibition. Inspired by the works of Picasso, Joan Miro & Rene Magritte,Dali公司员工工作服可以抵扣吗
first experimented with impressionism & cubism before producing his first surrealist works in 1929. Dali’s paintings explore three focal themes 1) man's universe and sensations, 2) sexual symbolism and 3) ideographic imagery. Dali’s most recognisable work the The Persistence of Memory is now part ofthe Museum of Modern Art’s permanent collection.

Amedeo Modigliani is known for having revolutionised the nude & the portrait. By sketching sitter’s inner selves rather than their outer appearance and rendering them in his unique ‘Modiglianised’ manner. His works gained some notoriety for suggesting the naked rather than the nude as his works literally stripped the models of any mythological connotation. The quintessential artist, Modigliani is as well remembered for his hedonistic lifestyle as he was for hisart.

Egon Schiele is considered one of the most notable Austrian expressionists. Knownfor shirking traditional standards of beauty throughout his paintings in favourof blunt sexuality and distorted figures, his work sadly evaded commercial success until almost the end of his life. Notorious for his debauched lifestyle Schiele passed away from influenza at the tender age of 28.

In France, two museums are devoted to Raymond Peynet: one inAntibesand one inBrassac-les-Mines, the birthplace of his mother. In Japan, there are also two museums devoted to the work of Peynet,KaruizawaandSakuto. In 1987 Raymond Peynet was promoted Commander of theOrdre des Arts et des Lettres. Raymond Peynet strongly influenced the illustrators of the 1960s such as湖北定制工装厂家
Alain Grée.

Ramon Dilley has been represented by distinguished galleries worldwide including the Wally Findlay Gallery Paris, Versailles, and many more. Examples of Ramon Dilley's paintings are held in the collections of: the collection of the Shah of Iran, the collection of Prince Rainier of Monaco, the collection of Princess Ana of Singapore, Valery Giscard d'Estaing-President of France,1974⑴981.

皇庭广场公共艺术项目 | 狂想曲€€深圳站


杜若云章 | About Us


上海灏象文化传播有限公司2014年创建于上海,旗下杜若云章艺术空间座落于“穿行老洋房,睡闻梧桐香”的历史建筑区。通过与纽约老牌画廊沃尔特€€维克瑟 (Walter Wickiser Gallery, since 1992) 的连袂合作,秉持着艺术就是生活的理念,我们致力于打造1个国际交换平台,提供专业的艺术合作咨询与策划。

“Strolling among the old villas and resting in the scent of plane trees”. Je Fine Art Space is located in the French Concession right in the heart of Shanghai.

As part of Shanghai Haoxiang Culture Communication Co. Ltd. Je Fine Art Space opened in 2014 in cooperation with the Walter Wickiser Gallery (NY, since 1992).

Embracing the belief that “life is art”, we devote ourselves to establishing a platform for cross-cultural discourse and providing professional art advice andplans.